The Scriptures clearly say that Christ will come back after the sounding of “the last trump.” Never mind that the connection only works in the English language. And that “trump” as short for. THE END OF THE WORLD could be just around the corner as US President Donald Trump fulfilled a prophecy to 'begin the final countdown to the return of Jesus,' according to the sensational claims of.
The editor of the Nashville Tennessean has vowed to investigate how a full-page ad predicting a nuclear attack by Muslims purchased by a breakaway Seventh-day Adventist group ran in the paper.
A version of the ad from Future for America, a 'prophecy ministry' based in Arkansas, ran on Sunday (June 20). The ad featured a photo of Pope Francis and Donald Trump in front of an American flag and was filled dire warnings and a few Bible verses. Its authors claim that Trump will be the last president of the United States and that Trump's feud with Democrats was predicted by the Bible.
'We are under conviction to not only tell you but to provide evidence that July 18, 2020, Islam is going to detonate a nuclear device in Nashville, Tennessee,' the ad began. It also included a link to a detailed Bible study and website.
On Sunday afternoon, after a backlash appeared on social media, Michael A. Anastasi, vice president and editor of The Tennessean, denounced the ad and said an investigation was underway. The paper reported that its advertising policies forbid hate speech.
'The ad is horrific and is utterly indefensible in all circumstances. It is wrong, period, and should have never been published,' Anastasi toldThe Tennessean. 'It has hurt members of our community and our own employees, and that saddens me beyond belief. It is inconsistent with everything The Tennessean as an institution stands and has stood for.'
Bible prophecy teacher Jeff Pippenger of Future for America told Religion News Service in an email that he wrote one version of the ad and a friend from Ireland wrote a different version of the ad, which ran earlier in the week.
Pippenger said the ministry paid for the ad, which he said was inspired by the work of Ellen White, one of the co-founders of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
He said that he and the others behind the ad consider themselves Seventh-day Adventists, 'though some such as me have been removed from their membership by the Adventist Church because of our prophetic beliefs.' The ad itself also criticizes what it calls the 'backslidden Seventh-day Adventist Church.'
The Future for America ministry claims its mission is 'to proclaim the final warning message of Revelation 14 as identified by the prophecies of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy.'
'The end-time fulfillment of Bible prophecy is no longer future-for it is taking place before our eyes,' its website claims.
Pippenger said that plans to run more ads were now on hold.
'We were going to do a mail-out, but the printing company that had agreed to print and mail it out backed out based upon counsel from their attorneys.'
The ad was reminiscent of similar warnings from the late radio preacher Harold Camping, best known for his 2011 prediction about the end of the world.
© 2020 Religion News Service. All rights reserved.
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See an error in this article? Send us a correctionDid Nostradamus really predicted President-elect Trump’s win? Source: Ancient Code The recent win of president-elect Donald Trump in the United States has created quite a stir, and caused some people to search for Trump prophecies that seemed to fascinatingly predict the win.
Some people even tasked themselves with reading parts of published prophecies, and interpreting them to fit current events — seemingly supporting their beliefs and thoughts on the incoming administration.
Trump Prophecy from Nostradamus
When it comes to prophecies, most people recognize the 16th Century “prophet,” Nostradamus.
One of Nostradamus’ extrapolations says that a “shameless figure will become governor of the army. With bold intentions, bridges will be destroyed and fear will settle on cities.”
HNGNreports that some (conspiracy) theorists think that the phrase was referring to Trump — but they stretch pretty far to get there.
The “governor of the army” bit reportedly means the leader of the most powerful nation in the world, which many consider is the United States.
In another part of his forecasts, he also warned about the coming of a third anti-Christ who will start an apocalyptic phenomenon. It is believed that the first two are Napoleon and Hitler.
According to the prophet, the anti-Christ will be named “Mabus,” which is far from “Donald” or “Trump” or “Donald Trump.”
In an article published by Buzzfeedlast July, writer Chris Rodley incorporated some theories on the interpretation of some of Nostradamus’ forecasts. This particular “theory” below explains the Mabus and Trump connection:
Source: Hogue Prophecy via Buzzfeed
The writer called the above theory “hard to swallow,” and went on to explain that Saddam Hussein and President Obama have also been labeled the third anti-Christ. He also pointed out that the current U.S. Secretary of Navy, nominated by President Obama, is named Ray Mabus.
The article also noted that the 16th century prophet included a couple of references to a “trumpet” which people connected to “Trump””.”
Source: BuzzFeed
The following verses have been related by someone from Reddit to the President-elect’s plan of building a wall in the border of US and Mexico:
“The republic of the great city
Will not want to consent to the great severity;
What Does The Bible Say About The Last Trumpet
King summoned by trumpet to go out,
The ladder at the wall; the city will repent. (III 50)”
I guess those who support this postulation forget that walls have existed since the existence of man.
Trump Prophecy from the Bible
What Does The Bible Say About The Last Trump
Source Credit:
In an article from The Sun, somebody published a lengthy explanation of several biblical references which claim that Trump is the anti-Christ based on the Bible. According to this piece, the next anti-Christ will be a charismatic leader, “big talker” who claims to have a solution to lasting peace in the Middle East.
However, Rabbi Zamir Cohen, a noted scholar and head of Beitar Illit Yeshiva, said in a conference that President-elect Trump may be the leader prophesied by Jewish literature that will gather God-followers together, reportsBreaking Israel News.
“The Malbim wrote that before the coming of the Messiah, the world will separate into two groups: the Bnei Yishmael (Muslims), and the Bnei Edom (Christians),” Cohen said.
“According to the prophecy, the Bnei Yishmael will join together, and the Christians will remain calm, even apathetic, despite the obvious threat.”
“Malbim” is the 19th Century Bible Commentator, Rabbi Meir Leibush ben Yehiel Michel Wisser.
“It is impossible to say that Trump is the leader the prophecies spoke about,” warned Rabbi Cohen, “But by his style of speech, that he doesn’t really care what he says or how people will react, it may be that he is.”
What do you think about these prophecies? Which of these do you think are true, and which of these have been forcibly interpreted by people on the Internet?
Share your thoughts with us.